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Fresh-Made Chocolates at Alamo City Chocolate Factory
Scott & Lisa Smith have been providing the finest in fresh-made chocolate to San Antonio and Texas for over 10 years now. Lisa, with 20+ years in retail, and Scott with 35 years in the amusement park trade wanted to do something that kept them in San Antonio and still be in the business of making people happy. So in 2003, the search began for a new path and after 2 years of research, a path was discovered. It was chocolate.
Now more than a decade later Scott & Lisa serve the widest range of fresh-made chocolate confections in the city and maybe even in the state. Without a doubt, they still enjoy the daily activities of meeting new people, making chocolate, and then serving it to the many patrons that visit the store every day. We hope to see you soon!
As seen on this KSAT12 video over the holidays.